Juggling Art and Business

dala art ink and watercolor life as an artist plein air painting sketchbook travel sketching urban sketching May 10, 2019

May 6, 2019


Life as a traveling artist is magnificent.  It also presents many challenges, the greatest of which is to make sure that I maintain the balance of creative time with the time-consuming, tedious tasks necessary to run a one woman art business that's successful enough to live my glorious life as a traveling artist.

The internet is a necessity for me.  I wouldn't be teaching in Wales, expanding my inspiring community of artists and learning about different cultures, languages, customs and environments if it weren't for artists around the world sharing my blogs. Even if I had a personal assistant at home to do posting, film editing and image editing (which I don't), I still have to do it all myself when I travel.

For many years I handled every aspect of my website.  I designed it, built it and maintained it. When something went wrong or when the software changed, updated or was discontinued, I spent days if not weeks getting it to work again.  I still do all my own editing, posting and designing.  I don't, however, maintain and trouble-shoot the technical aspects of my websites. For the past four years I've had a webmaster wizard take care of all the technical aspects of my ChrisCarterArt.com website and the team at Kajabi take care of my ExploreWithChrisCarter.com website.  If and when something goes wrong, I send an email off to either Adam or to Kajabi.  I return to painting or sketching, sipping coffee or wine, chatting with a new friend or exploring wherever I am.  Within two to twenty-four hours, everything is running smoothly again.  I haven't lost a week of my life to aggravation and frustration.  These wizards are worth their weight in gold and certainly every penny that I pay them for their services.  I sleep well at home and abroad, never having to worry about my websites.  My only internet issues are making time to post and having a strong enough connection to post, neither of which are anything that I lose sleep over. 

Camellia Dala created while staying with my friend, Anne, in Swansea ... inspired by her lovely spring garden. Being free of technical worry gave me freedom to CREATE! 


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