Love your sketchbook! The more you sketch ... the better you get!

miscellaneous sketchbook May 29, 2019

I'm addicted to making my own sketchbooks.  I can make them any size, use any combination of paper, recycle my favorite shopping bags and boxes, make them thick for home and thin for travel!

 I used old watercolor paintings for the covers of the sketchbooks pictured above. 

You can bind a book while waiting for a train ...

or while on the train ...

You can make the entire book from recycling bags and cardboard!

Paper bags are great for drawing in ink ...

and often for watercolor, too.

What is most important is that you have fun with your sketchbook and take it everywhere.  You never know what you can do when you have five minutes to wait for a friend ... unless you pick up a pen and DRAW!

Waiting for Brenda at the Chester Diner


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