Celebrating the Relaunch of The Color Scheme Game

color watercolor Sep 29, 2020

The Color Scheme Game

20% Relaunch Discount Coupon

As easy as it might be to give up when the going gets tough, it's simply not in my nature to let nonsense get in the way of living my life as an artist and sharing that joy with other artists.  After a recent conflict with Skillshare, I turned my attention back to my own platform ExloreWithChrisCarter.com, where I'll soon be offering all of the mini classes that are now available only on my Skillshare site.  Each one will be enhanced by additional demos and images that don't comply with Skillshare limitations.

 As some of you may know, the class I published last week on Skillshare earned me my second strike ... three strikes and I'm out. Why?  Because I didn't give enough information in the titles of the two class lessons. I received my first strike because the ratio of music to dialogue was too heavy on the music side during one of the painting demos (and that was a week BEFORE they announced that rule).  Hmmmm.

Peter Szego playing fiddle at Mannion's Irish Pub, Somerville, NJ

Skillshare is definitely a great platform for learning and I'm totally enjoying the conversations I have with my students and the dialogue they have with one another.  However ... since I only have one more strike to go before all my classes are removed from the platform, I'm focusing my attention back to the classes here on ExploreWithChrisCarter.com.  Updating these classes is long overdue and I'm happy to make them more valuable for you.

Over the last two years, my editing skills of both audio and video have improved. I continue to learn more ways to film the various types of painting I do, both in the studio and while traveling. Until I'm permanently removed from Skillshare, I'll continue, to publish mini-classes and hope that I'm not removed before completing the rest of the series  Five Basic Elements of Art; Line, Shape, Value, Color, Texture/Pattern. This series, and all of my other mini courses will also be available here on EXPLORE, in more expanded versions.

Illustration for The Faery and the Dragon - ink & colored pencil

Dominant Elements : Color & texture/Pattern


The first class I've updated here on EXPLORE is The Color Scheme Game.  I've edited the existing videos and added a more videos and examples of paintings.  I'm also adding more exercises and bonus lessons.  If you already own the course, you'll see that the update of the first session is complete.  Every three days a new session will be updated.  For those of you just beginning The Color Scheme Game online course, you will only be seeing the updated, enhanced version of the class.  Another helpful addition to the collection of classes is the recently added Projects & Discussions Group where you can post images (currently only one at a time), questions and comments.  All artists enrolled in any of the classes on this site automatically receive access to the P&D Group. This is where I encourage you to post images of your projects.  Text comments and questions may be posted directly in each lesson post.  Hopefully, in the near future, you'll be able to post multiple images within the same post both on the lesson page and in the Projects & Discussions Group.

Cabot Creamery, Vermont - Ink and Watercolor en plein air

 To celebrate the relaunch of The Color Scheme Game, I'm making a 20% off coupon available for you to use when signing up for the class.  The coupon is valid for the next five days ... valid through October 4th.  Click on the following link to order using the coupon.

 20% Relaunch Discount Coupon

oil on canvas - a painting from the "Sky, Tree, Road" series presented in the Exhibition "Unveiled" and the new, online course, Joy Through Observation


The other new class, Joy Through Observation will be available to everyone beginning this Friday, October 2nd, not just those of you who attended the InStory Event with Devorah Spilman. I'm delighted by the response to the course. It fascinates to me that the same painting can evoke such a wide range of emotions as well as likes and dislikes.  I'll post some of the responses (anonymously) in a future blog post ... proof that there are no rights or wrongs when it comes to art.


 Thank you for reading my blog!

Chris Carter - artist


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