An Exceptional Day

miscellaneous orbs May 27, 2020

An Exception Day - May 27, 2020

Some days unfold a bit more miraculously than other days.  Today is one of those days.  The order of my morning rituals ended up a bit jumbled, scrambled and resorted.  The end result left me exhilarated.  Difficult to clarify for you, so I won't even attempt to do so.  I will, however, share two of the highlights.

The first being a diversion of my morning scribble, a shift away from being inspired by the reality of my surroundings to being inspired by the energy of my inner artist, the far more intuitive artist who thrives on movement through space as well as rhythms and harmonies found in mathematics, music, color and shapes.

Morning Vision (2003) - Oil on Canvas - 24" x 36"

The second highlight is the completion of a short video in which I share the first year of weekly entries in the two, Stillman and Birn (Zeta Series) sketchbooks that comprise my Perpetual Plant Journal.

Here's the link to the Perpetual Plant/Travel Journal video:


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