AutoArt - Sketching in a moving automobile

plein air painting sketchbook travel sketching watercolor Nov 28, 2019

I had the pleasure of being a passenger on the trip from Mitchell Troy to Gower Peninsula in South Wales. A concertina sketchbook made the night before was perfect for capturing the landscape as it transitioned through rolling hills, cliffs, villages and salt marshes.

When painting landscape as it flashes by me, whether on train, plane, paraglider or automobile, I pay attention to either the overall impression of the view or singular impressions that have caught my attention such as the shape of a building, a color or a cliff.  

This is the first time I've used a concertina sketchbook while auto-painting.  I think it suits the activity beautifully, encouraging me to move on to the next stage rather than fuss with a scene that is already long gone and fading quickly from my memory.  

On Friday, Jill and I will ride the train to St. Ives, another GREAT opportunity to paint in my concertina sketchbook. The one I'm using in the video above is one that allows me to replace the folded arches watercolour paper with another strip of folded paper.  



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