Blue Lady of Verrocchio

abstract figures life as an artist the artist's journey verrocchio Jul 21, 2024

2024 has offered multiple opportunities to experience turning points in my life as an artist. The first was the devastating experience of losing the majority of my artwork and supplies unnecessarily; the second was swimming in the Aegean Sea and discovering the geology of Skiathos; the third was attending Liz Hough's art workshop in Tuscany, Abstract Landscape.

Il Centro d'Arte Verrocchio (Verrocchio Art Centre) in Casole d"Elsa, Tuscany was created by sculptor Nigel Konstam.  Sadly, Nigel died in 2022.  The space he created, originally as a studio and home for himself and his wife, evolved into a community for artists. It continues to evolve as such thanks to his daughter and the community of local residents and artists from around the world who nurture it. My experience in Nigel's studio reconnected me with my first mentor in the mid 60's, a sculptor by the name of Waylande Gregory. 

Each morning in Casole d"Elsa I awoke early and quietly made my way down the steps and along the passageways of the ancient building, descending to the bottom floor, through the iron gate, up the steps to beautifully worn wooden doors that opened into Nigel's studio.  Each morning I paused to absorb the thoughts and feelings that pulsed through me as the spirits of both Nigel and Waylande encouraged me to listen more carefully to my inner artist and to trust that inner artist's guidance.  I would smile, take a deep breath and move on through his studio and take a turn into the space where Nigel had created a Roman Bath, illuminated only by the light coming through the window.  As the sun rose, its rays would strike the sculpture of the elegant woman at the far end of the bath. The sculpture, for me, became the Blue Lady of Verrocchio.  While in Tuscany, the blue lady kept making her way into my work.  She continues to do so.

I've now returned to my home and studio in New Jersey after an incredible three and a half month journey with my dear friend and artist Jill Richards. We traveled through Wales, England, Greece and Italy.  Together, Jill and I ended the long visit attending Liz Hough's workshop at Il Centro d'Arte Verrocchi. 

Liz is a remarkable tutor. The workshop in Tuscany was more than an art workshop, it was a life experience of people, places, sounds, food, festivities, exploration, history and art. Liz presented a variety of methods to adapt into our own creative process as well as examples of how other artists have abstracted the reality around us. By presenting her process in small doses, and by giving each one of us gentle nudges along our unique paths, we were all able to weave together our experiences of Tuscany and express them with abstract boldness … very successfully.  Thank you, Liz!

As I move forward with a clearer understanding of how and why I find myself exactly where I am in my life, I will share my journey with you.  My images will have to tell most of the story because I find words can't come close to expressing the richness of my experiences and the extent of my inner explorations. I am, in many ways, back to square one, attempting to project the visions and feelings within me out onto a canvas for others to experience the wonder and curiosity I have about the natural world and life on this planet, in this universe. It is this wonder and curiosity from early childhood, having grown stronger as the years passed, that has driven me forward, even during the most challenging times. The afternoon light glinting off a tiny speck of rust can thrill me as much as a magnificent double rainbow after a fabulous thunderstorm. Perhaps my future work will present a better lens through which you might experience a similar joy and thrill as you wander on your own path through life.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Chris Carter

Tuscan Sunrise


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