Chasing Away the Gloom

drawing ink and watercolor nature plein air painting sketchbook urban sketching Aug 07, 2020

Finally!  Power is back on after three and a half days of no power, no internet and spotty (at best) cell service.

When power is out, for days at a time, my basement studio has been flooded and even the cell towers are out of commission, what do I do?  I go to the zoo.

Silly Ostrich

With four young children to help stay socially distanced from other visitors, and to stay happy while uncomfortably masked, I can only grab quick moments to sketch.  It is enough to chase away my gloom, when mixed with the delight of watching children engage with camels, swans, goats, giraffes and ostriches.




Iguana and Kangaroo


Snowy Owl

Over the next few days I'll be catching up with communication with students.  Thanks for your patience.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Chris Carter


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