Framing Circular Dala Art in Square Frames

dala art Jan 03, 2021

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2021!!!

On our Projects and Discussion Group page I was asked how I frame my circular Dala Art.  I made a quick clip (above) to show you some of the matting and framing I've done for the Dala Art.  I often use handmade papers and old rag mats that I've used over and over again when creating my large, abstract orb paintings.

Occasionally I will frame two Dalas together, side by side, in a rectangular frame

I'm happy focusing once again on creating Dala Art.  It is such a joy for me to transform my surrounding into curved rhythms and dancing patterns of shapes and colors.

A new palette of colors has opened up to me following my dive into creating natural dyes from foraged materials and powdered extracts.  The beauty of subtle colors and nuances of tinted neutrals has captured my attention.  Having run out of white, cotton napkins to dye using the shibori or tie-dye methods, I'm transitioning to creating my own natural inks.  So far, my favorite is the one I made from the peels and cook water of the purple potatoes that we ate in the form of pierogis on Christmas Eve.

The grays were creating using different amounts of color baths created from coffee grounds, black beans and iron mordant (made from rusty nails, vinegar and water).

There's still time to take advantage of the January Special ... You, or you AND a friend, can register for Creating Dala Art for only $95.  A savings of $30 if you don't treat a friend, and a savings of $155 if you do have a friend who wants to take the online class, too.  You take the ten-week class at your own pace. It's yours forever so that you can refer back to it whenever you wish.

Here's a link to the special offer: January Special

The 30 Day Dala Art Challenge is open to everyone!  Though it began for me on January first, you may join in the fun at any point.  The goal is simply to get the creative juices flowing, the imagination sparked and a daily habit started; picking up a pencil pen or brush at least for five minutes each day.  You may post a dala you've created in the past, a dala in progress or one you've just completed.  Post your dala to the Projects and Discussions Group here on and or your favorite social media.  (I'm using Instagram these days.). When you post, wherever you post, please add the hashtags #30daydalaartchallenge #dalaart

Please join me in bending the world through Dala Art.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Chris Carter


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