From Start to Finish with Bumps Along the Way

abstract acrylic parc andré citroën Feb 18, 2022

From Start to Finish with Bumps Along the Way

What an exciting time I've been having in the studio lately.  I've lost all track of time and day.  Fortunately, my husband reminds me to eat.  This is how I remember my days passing when I lived in a studio loft in Boston without heat and having put in my own plumbing.  I built a greenhouse inside of the loft to keep my plants alive during the frigid winter months.  I was cold, but I was happy ... When I wasn't attending classes or working to pay my rent, I was painting.  The difference between then and now is that I know a lot more about drawing, painting and seeing after many decades of taking pen and brush in hand daily, exploring art around the world and great conversations with other artists.

In the painting above, I became lost somewhere between responding to the painting and focused on my original intention which was to express one of the experiences I had during my few hours in Parc André Citroën last August.  I ended up making miserable color choices and feeling as if I was floundering about in mud puddles.

Once I returned my focus to the original intention and allowed myself to be reined in by the many preliminary sketches and studies I had done, the gears began to move with synchronicity.

Over the past several months I've been taking online courses with Sally Hirst.  In addition, I'm taking Tansy Hargan's "Finding Your Colour Voice".  Both courses are excellent.  They work well together for where I am as an artist and the path I am currently following.

And now ... I'm headed back to the studio to work on No. 21.

Thanks for reading my blog!

Chris Carter


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