Fun With Closed Shape Drawings

daily sketching drawing ink and watercolor sketchbook Sep 25, 2020

While gathering images to create a montage in the final video of my latest class on Skillshare ... The Five Elements of Art - Part One: SHAPE  I stumbled upon several drawings I had forgotten about and I found myself smiling as they dusted off memories of being in Mumbles, Wales ... my son's apartment in Mountain View, California ... staying with friends in Cambridge, Maryland ... visits with my lifelong friend, Kathleen in South Portland, Maine ... sketching in my own back yard in Lebanon Township, New Jersey.  In all of these sketches I translated the world around me into shapes, puzzle pieces that when fit together on my paper created the illusion of whatever I was looking out.  Many of these closed shape drawings I used to hone my skills in color mixing and to discover new combinations of colors by playing my color scheme game.

The reward for creating these sketches is acquiring better skills in drawing, color mixing, design, creative use of color, and choosing your grayscale/color values. An added bonus is that you create images that trigger delightful memories.

Zinnia in my garden.  They are extraordinary this year!  I created this dala art of zinnia several years ago when I planted them all along the front of the house.  It was the first time in decades that I planted zinnia.  I had always thought of them as pretty clunky flowers... possibly because I included them in the basket of flowers that a tossed at one of my sisters during her backyard wedding just after she and her new husband took their vows.  I hit he directly in the face with a beautiful, large pink zinnia.  

I've now recovered from that trauma and I adore the play of the brilliant color and variety of shapes that adorn my house thanks to the multitude of zinnia and their resistance to shifts in weather.

Ahhh ... the stories that are evoked from sketches of our own, personal world.  Closed shape drawings are a fun way to capture those memories.

Part of the series of 100 drawings of Family Treasures


Thinking about taking an online art courses?  I offer bite-sized classes on Skillshare as well as more comprehensive classes here on

If you aren't already a premium member on Skillshare, please check it out.  You receive a two month trial period totally free when you click on my link: . I just received notice that beginning October 1st, you will receive a 14 day free trial rather than a two month free trial.  If you're thinking of testing out Skillshare I would do it before October 1st.

Most popular Skillshare classes are the Pulling the Puddle watercolor technique (Series of four classes) the four-part Color Wheel Mandala class and the new Fun Flexagon class.

Most popular classes here on ExploreWithChrisCarter are The Color Scheme Game, Creating Dala Art and the Drawing Alternative One courses.

Thanks for reading my blog!

Chris Carter



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