Grateful for Feedback

dala art drawing Jan 14, 2020

Creating Dala Art

Hyacinth bean - Lablab purpureus

Thanks to feedback from one of the artists taking the Creating Dala Art course, I've edited the demo video and added to the visuals in the lesson. I appreciate ALL feedback. It allows me to enhance the existing courses and make improvements on the upcoming courses.

In the original lesson, it was difficult (actually impossible) to see the lightly penciled, swooping line upon which I developed the design for the LabLab Dala.  I created a tracing of the original circle (orange) and the swooping line (black).  The circle and swooping line are now visible throughout most of the demo video thanks to the feedback.


Are there a few skills you would like to hone? Drawing? Watercolor techniques? Color Mixing? Using Color Schemes? The more skills you have honed, the more you enjoy the experience of sketching and drawing.  

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