Influenced by Vuillard

daily sketching ink and watercolor watercolor Jun 03, 2020

My love for Vuillard's dancing strokes of color still influence me and delight me.  I think, because I've returned to the habit of intuitive doodling, some of my earlier influences are coming through again.  I'm a bit older and more skilled than when they first entered my life.  I was happy to see the Vuillard influence in this morning's playful disregard for the importance of shapes and values to build a strong composition.  Color expression won my focus and attention this morning.

copy of a Vuillard I painted in oil back in the mid-70's

I regret that the phone I was using to capture the drawing and painting of this morning's scribble stopped short of the painting part of my scribble.  The storage was full.  After a sad sigh, I smiled, knowing there will be many more opportunities to share these playful little painting sketches with you.

The G-nib in my fountain pen is a pen point for a dip pen.  It's more flexible than a normal fountain pen nib.  It is also far more temperamental, scratchy, and difficult to maintain the ink feed.  When I apply too much pressure, moving too quickly, the result is railroading ... as shown early in the video.  The ink flow doesn't drop through the split points to create a thicker line as desired.  

As much as I don't like the scratchy sound and feel of the g-nib, I do like the variety and surprises that I get when using it.


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Most popular classes on Explore are The Color Scheme Game and the Creating Dala and the Drawing Alternative I courses.

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