Loosening Up

drawing sketchbook travel sketching urban sketching Jul 25, 2019

I've had several requests for suggestions on "loosening up". As I stopped along the road this morning on my way home from Cooperstown, NY to sketch an old barn I thought I would share the "ball of unraveling ink" experiment as one to help loosen up.

The guidelines are quite simple.  Start anywhere ... place your pen on your paper and follow the lines, shapes, shadows and outlines of the view in front of you WITHOUT lifting your pen at all.  Just keep scribbling along, back and forth, up and down, exploring the scene or still life you are looking at.  This does not work well if you are looking at a photograph.  Look at whatever is in front of you.

Don't worry about composition, perspective or color.  Keep your pen cruising along the paper as your eyes explore the scene.


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