International Masterclass Creativity Event May 1st through May 24th 2020

miscellaneous Apr 18, 2020

Unleash Your Creativity

And the Artist Deep Within You

Make Freedom, Joy and Love Your Bottom Line

I’m thrilled to have been invited to be one of the ambassadors of creative expressions presenting a FREE empowering Masterclass series in May.

There’ve been many difficult times in my life, times when I felt helpless and suffocated  by the reality that surrounded me. In every case, it was the inner artist who pulled me through, who opened my eyes and my heart once again to the magnificence of nature, life and light. Once that creative spark, the spark that is in every one of us is awakened, it never falls asleep. It does, sometimes, take cat naps and we lose touch with who we are and what we’re capable of becoming.

My goal, as an artist and as a teacher, is to help awaken and nurture that creative spark in as many human beings as I possibly can. Some will become artists while others will perhaps never take pen or brush in hand.  They will, however, see their lives in a new and brighter light, a light that will guide them through difficult times and bring them great joy each and every day.

Our Masterclass Series takes on the format of an online summit. The event begins May 1st and continues through to May 24th. Each interview with an ambassadors airs for 72 hrs.

My interview is scheduled to go Live May 11th at 6am PST / 9am EST / 2pm GMT until May 14th (6am/9am/2pm).

There is an Encore at the end of the event when all interviews are Live for a further 72 hrs (24th - 27th.)

Please visit the Event page to read about all of the ambassadors that will be interviewed during this event. 

What will we be discussing?  Perhaps the topics will awaken a strength that is hidden within.  Maybe Ione or more of the interviews will get you back on track, transform your life, or open a door that leads to a path you’ve been searching for.

  • ●  Struggling to find Authentic Joy, Inner Peace and Freedom?
  • ●  Struggling to spark off the powerful connection to your True Self that lies in the
    depths of your soul?
  • ●  You have Gifts and Talents that no other person has!
  • ●  You have a Divine Purpose and you were born into this world FOR a divine purpose
    AND you have something Unique that no one else has!
  • ●  It’s important to become deeply Grounded in Your Authenticity, letting your
    feelings flow through creative Expressions of who YOU Truly are because this will give you the Transformation I am committed to creating for YOU.

My friend and colleague is launching a compelling Masterclass series to help you with ALL of the above and it’s absolutely FREE... and I’m honoured to be part of it!!!

Let's move you from anxiety , overwhelm and a lack of control to find Inner Peace, Inner Freedom and Authentic Joy through accessing and releasing the hidden splendours that lie dormant within. Experience a future beyond what you can only see and imagine today!

Join us for the Elite Masterclass Experience; a series of powerful conversations with a team of amazing creatives and visuals whose powerful insights will help you get Inspired, Empowered, Unstuck and Move Forward as you Excel in your Creative Direction in Life. That’s my promise to you!

Discover the exact resources you need to help you stretch, learn and grow in our Transformation Through Creative Expression : Find Inner Freedom, Unleash Authentic Joy and Live Full Out through the Creative Elements of Music Song Dance Poetry Arts and Crafts.


From this series

  1. You will Find Inner Freedom , be Unapologetically Authentic rooted in Authenticity !
  2. You have a Uniqueness that no one else has and our Masterclass series will serve to Inspire, Motivate and Move you Forward in that Uniqueness!
  3. You will learn to express your hidden gifts that are longing to emerge through you radiating an Inner Light!
  4. Nothing will stand between you and your dream of living your big WHY !
  5. You will Express Unconditional Self-love connecting up all the dots to Self-worth, Self-confidence and Self-respect.
  6. You will be deeply grounded in your own Creative Expression and Restorative Energy
  7. You will Conquer Unresolved Emotions, get Deeply Connected to your Vision of what Life could BE, Release the Hidden Splendour within you so that your Spirit becomes Alive.
  8. You will “Thrive in Fullness” Radiate Inner Light Feel Free as a Butterfly as you Pursue your Deep Passion and Drive for Life!
  9. You will Excel in the ‘WILL to WIN’ so that you're stirring up the dormant powers in the depths of your Subconscious Mind - Willingness!.

   10. And so much more!

Let your friends, loved ones and fellow artists know about this empowering event.  Please feel free to forward this info and link to those who may also benefit from this insightful gathering of inspiring women.

Link to info and registration:

Thank you.  I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you during this event.


Chris Carter - visual artist


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