Mixing Gorgeous Greens using only Black or Gray and Yellow

Feb 04, 2020

For an artists who rarely, if ever, uses tubed blacks or grays to mix with other pigments I've had a great deal of fun experimenting with some of my ancient and neglected tubes of blacks and grays.  I had forgotten what beautiful greens I can make by mixing them with yellows.

It was the memory of hearing my mentor, Adolf Konrad, tell me that I could make greens by mixing black and yellow.  I was nineteen years old struggling with mixing great greens with oil paints. I trusted Konrad and tried it.  Much to my surprise, it worked!  That memory surfaced when I began to film and edit the new series I'm working on, Mixing Gorgeous Greens.  I'd already started filming color mixing with various blues and yellows. I decided to alter my schedule a bit and start the series with the course on mixing blacks, grays and yellows.

Here are the sample paintings I created for the course.  The pdf files of the line drawings are part of the course for those who don't wish to create their own drawings. In each of the paintings I used only mixtures of two pigments, a black (or gray) and a yellow.  Pretty exciting, especially the gorgeous greens in the aloe plant.

I published the course today on Skillshare.  It is free for Premium members.  If you are not already a member or a premium member on Skillshare, you can test it out for free for two months using my link: Skillshare.com/ChrisCarterArt

It's helpful to know what you can do with only two pigments, especially if you like to carry your paints with you wherever you go.


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