Morning Scribbler: Week of June 4-10, 2020

daily sketching ink and watercolor sketchbook watercolor Jun 20, 2020

Having returned to my practice of intuitive drawing, my Morning Scribbles have also shifted a bit.  I have allowed myself flexibility to follow my instincts a bit further, beyond the five to ten minute snippet of time that I usually spend sketching before my brain clicks into remote problem-solving mode.  As a result, my weekly recap of the scribbles has gotten longer and includes more dialogue and demonstrations of painting as well as line drawing.  I have embedded a couple of the shorter videos I made for individuals days.  All of these are posted on my YouTube channel

Due to the current pandemic I had to cancel my upcoming trip to Paris.  I may also have to cancel the rest of the travel plans that include exploring Scotland, Greece, Italy and teaching several workshops in Wales.  I'm still optimistic that I'll be able to make the trip across the ocean for one or more of these adventures.

I'm not one to let changes in plans get me down.  Instead, I'm excited about getting back to my more painterly way of painting, both in watercolor and in oil.  This video reflects that shifting in my response to the world around me.  

Many years ago, I learned a great deal by copying a few of my favorite paintings by Gustav Klimt and Édouard Vuillard.  I felt their influences as I added color to two of the morning scribbles.  My heart sang and I rejoiced at tapping into that part of me once again.

If you wish to see all the weekly video updates of the morning scribbles please visit and subscribe to that blog.  Feel free to join me in my morning practice.  You may post your scribbles in the private facebook group Explore With Chris Carter Artist . If you aren't already a member, please ask to join, and I will approve your membership.


Thinking about taking an online art courses?  I offer bite-sized classes on Skillshare as well as more comprehensive classes here on

If you aren't already a premium member on Skillshare, please check it out.  You receive a two month trial period totally free when you click on my link:

Most popular Skillshare classes are the Pulling the Puddle watercolor technique (Series of four classes) the four-part Color Wheel Mandala class and the new Fun Flexagon class.

Most popular classes on Explore are The Color Scheme Game and the Creating Dala and the Drawing Alternative I courses.

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