Morning Scribbler: Feb. 20 - 26, 2020

daily sketching drawing sketchbook watercolor Mar 02, 2020

Sometimes I feel I'm using my precious time poorly, spending it editing photographs, videos and text to post online in blogs, websites and learning forums. Time is so precious ... and so is the opportunity to inspire others to nurture our human instinct to be creative, to see the world around us in a unique and creative way whether we are artists or not.  Experiencing life creatively is as important if not more important than expressing our lives creatively.

On more than one occasion, I've had someone who has never picked up a pen or brush tell me that taking a walk with me changed her life ... she never saw the world around her in the same way again and her life was richer because of it. I'm grateful for my life as an artist and for the opportunities I have to share my journey with others.  As tedious as it is to spend time in front of a computer, I'll continue to do so.  There's no other way I can reach so many people in every part of the world.

That being said, I do try to be efficient with my computer time.  Rather than post my morning scribble everyday on my blog,, I'm now creating a weekly post that shares the scribbles of the previous week.  This helps, too, when I'm traveling and staying with friends.  It's easy enough to fit in a morning scribble each day but I prefer to spend time with my friends than to pull out my computer to post it.

Thursday, February 20th

Noodler's Ink Bottles and Platinum Carbon Ink Fountain Pen

Friday, February 21st

Red Shoe

Saturday, February 22nd

Knife and Fork

Sunday, February 23rd

Tom Napping

Monday, February 24th

Empty Couch

Tuesday, February 25th

Espresso Cups

Wednesday, February 26th

Hand Puppet

Already, I've heard from three artists who are beginning a Morning Scribbler habit!  This is why I share my passion for sketching and painting!


Like these videos?

Want to learn more about Daily Sketching, Watercolor Tips & Techniques? Or watch videos of sketching en plein air in unusual locations? Visit my YouTube channelSkillshare Page and at ExploreWithChrisCarter.

I recently published a new course on Skillshare that teaches you how to make your own Mini Watercolor Travel Kit! Take a look. You might just start a daily sketching habit! Link: Watercolor Travel Kit: Fits in Your Pocket

Interested in taking one of my online art courses?  I offer bite-sized classes on Skillshare and comprehensive classes on

If you aren't already a premium member on Skillshare, please check it out.  You receive a two month trial period totally free when you click on my link:

I'm creating most of the classes on Skillshare as bite-size classes within a series.  Each series, as I complete it will be bundled together with additional lessons added to it to create a more comprehensive course here on for artists who truly want to learn new skills and master their current skills.

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