Perpetual Plant Journal Review

daily sketching drawing ink and watercolor nature plein air painting sketchbook travel sketching watercolor Jan 02, 2020

Happy New Year - 2020!

One of the many highlights of 2019 has been working in my perpetual plant journal, documenting plants in many different parts of the world.  I love that the journal is a snapshot of the seasons as well as the places I've traveled to.  

Since I started Volume One in May, I still have five months of weekly entries before I'm challenged with designing each week's plant illustration around the previous year's entries.  I look forward to that challenge.  My plan is to keep the two volumes going for three years.  

I love working text into my sketches and paintings.  Using the various Arts and Crafts lettering styles has been pure joy.  I've loved the multitude of comments I've received about the lettering.  Out the window with the saying that you can't teach an old dog new tricks.  I've now transformed two of my greatest weaknesses into strengths, color and calligraphy.  Both will continue to challenge and delight me for the rest of my life.

And so begins another year of opportunities to hone skills, experiment with new ways of working and to share all I know with the multitude of artists online who, like me, wish to express their experiences and thoughts about life through their art.

Thank you for following my journey as an artist!



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