Sketchbook Story Time - No. 1

color daily sketching drawing ink and watercolor life as an artist series art sketchbook watercolor Feb 05, 2019

When viewing paintings on walls of museums, galleries and homes, we see only the artist's resolution of the painting ... the final layer.  What is hidden is the process, the sequence of decisions, corrections and moments of inspired risks. I love seeing the final resolution hung boldly upon a wall for all to see.  Even more, I love seeing inside of the artist's mind through the artist's sketchbooks and journals. 

As a young artist in my twenties, I was unable to recognize the strokes, lines and patterns that would continue to appear in my work in spite of my attempts to banish them.  I saw them as weaknesses, not the strengths that would fuel my determination to continue my journey as an artist.  

Recently, when reorganizing my studio, I took the time to glance through several of my older sketchbooks and I saw the story of my spiral path, returning always to the very core of what inspires me and drives me to learn new skills and hone the skills I have already acquired.  

Through these very short, Sketchbook Story Time videos, I share glimpses into my heart and mind as I attempt to explore both the world inside of me and outside of me.  My hope is that you will take sketchbook in hand and trust that whatever marks you make on the pages are valid and worthy of your time and attention.  Rather than pass judgement on your sketches, you will embrace them as the necessary steps to help you reach whatever goals you have as an artist and as a unique and essential part of this world.

Welcome to Sketchbook Story time! A new episode will be posted each week.



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