Sketches from a trip to Wales and England - Spring 2019

drawing ink and watercolor plein air painting sketchbook travel sketching urban sketching watercolor Jun 06, 2019

The short video shows many of my sketches from the Wales/England trip I recently enjoyed.  As I photographed my sketchbooks I noticed that the collection of sketches is different form those I've done on previous trips.  I can see in these sketches that I was less focused.

Usually when I sketch I'm alone in a private universe where my eyes, hand and brain work together to guide my pen or brush across the paper.  When I travel, my intent is not to fill sketchbooks. My goal is to meet and make a connection with people, to listen to the stories of their lives, influenced by customs, language and history different from my own. Even so, I spend most of my time alone.

Why was this trip different? Over the past several years that I've taught in Wales, I've become part of a wonderful community of artists, each one quite different yet all desire to learn from, as well as inspire one another to become more masterful with pen and brush.  This year, I took advantage of every opportunity to share ideas and to join them in their activities.  Many of these sketches were done with another artist or two beside me sketching or stitching together a sketchbook while sipping cappuccino or wine.  

When I look back at these sketches they fill me with joy and I smile at their lack of focus.



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