Sneaking Up on Design

dala art drawing miscellaneous sketchbook Jul 25, 2020

This morning I published Sneaking Up on Design, a new course on Skillshare. My Skillshare courses are short glimpses into different phases of creating art.  If you want more comprehensive online classes, check out my classes here on  The longer version of Sneaking Up on Design will be available here within a month or two.  Now that I'm back to painting on large canvases, I will be publishing online courses at a slower rate.  I'm taking full advantage of being home in my studio instead of traveling to marvelous new cities and mountains as I would normally be doing.

I'm documenting many of the techniques I'm using in the studio, layering acrylic and oil on canvas.  I'm also adding collage elements to several of the pieces. It's much easier to show than it is to tell. I'll share these videos with you ... eventually.  

The video above is the bonus lesson I included in the new Skillshare class. The class focuses on building a design by adding segments of everyday objects, eliminating what doesn't interest you and adding multiple viewpoints for the sake of creating shapes you desire.  In addition to being a class on design, it's a class on making choices, choices to eliminate, choices to invent, choices to bend and twist reality into a form that will work on your page.

This is an excellent intro class to Creating Dala Art because it helps to break through whatever resistance you might have to altering reality.


Thinking about taking an online art courses?  I offer bite-sized classes on Skillshare as well as more comprehensive classes here on

If you aren't already a premium member on Skillshare, please check it out.  You receive a two month trial period totally free when you click on my link:

Most popular Skillshare classes are the Pulling the Puddle watercolor technique (Series of four classes) the four-part Color Wheel Mandala class and the Fun Flexagon class.

Most popular classes on Explore are The Color Scheme Game and the Creating Dala Art and the Drawing Alternative I courses.


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