The Year of Influence

daily sketching dala art ink and watercolor sketchbook watercolor Aug 14, 2019

On New Year's Eve I declared 2018 to be the Year of Influence.  Each week I would choose a new artist, past or present, to influence most of my daily sketches for that entire week. It was a remarkable experience that expanded my horizons in unexpected ways.  In another couple of years, I might do it again.

In today's post I'm sharing glimpses of the week during which I was influenced by Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928 - 2000). The video above shows me painting the many layers of color I applied to my sketch.

This is the image of Hundertwasser's that I used as my influence:

Take care when you walk over the prairie by Hundertwasser

Here is a photograph I took while in Mumbles, Wales.  I used this as reference for the dala I created.

Mumbles Lifeboat Station

This is my completed dala:

Here's another sketch from that week, influenced by the same Hundertwasser painting.

And here's one more sketch from that week of Hundertwasser influence. The Hundertwasser image is on the top and my sketch is on the bottom:



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