Two exciting announcements!

miscellaneous Aug 14, 2020

Video: Introduction to Strengthening Design Skills - Making Choices

Last night I published a new design class on Skillshare. In this class I present an easy technique using just a photograph, a piece of tracing paper and a pencil to experiment with the unlimited options you have when transforming a photograph into a drawing or a painting.  

Link to Strengthening Design Skills - Making Choices on Skillshare.


AND ...

I completed the recording of HooDoo MacGrew and The Glumpher!!!

The audio version of this fantasy novel I wrote in 1986 following the tragic automobile accident that left my best friend's five-year-old son, Carl, paralyzed from the waist down.  This is a story of the ability to overcome limitations when supported by unwavering friendship and the support of loved ones. 

The characters and landscapes are painted with words rather than brush and pen.  I've provided meditative visuals that allow the listeners to paint their own images of the people and places both in Maine and the magical world of Bittooran.

Link to Chapter One on YouTube

The audio version captures the first time I read the novel in over thirty years.  Only a single manuscript remains after a studio purge several years ago.  It is even more magical than I remembered.  The story was written for Carl, not for the whole world.  Now, I think the world may benefit from the journey of HooDoo MacGrew and The Glumpher.

I've made the reading of the entire novel available on  Here is the link:  HooDoo MacGrew and The Glumpher.

I will be adding a forward to the novel, sharing the tale of watching the story unfold as if watching a movie on a screen behind my eyeballs. At the time, my three children were all under the age of three.  Perhaps it was lack of sleep that allowed me to experience the flow of creativity through writing.  Many more years would pass before I experienced the same miraculous flow of creative energy in my studio as a painter.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Chris Carter


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