Update on Progress

color colour mapping community illustrated journal online courses Jan 28, 2023

January 28, 2023

Slowly, very slowly, I'm making progress on making the colour Mapping Community run smoothly and understanding the work-arounds for the glitches that we're finding along the way.  thank you to everyone who is helping me with this early stage of developing what will be a wonderful space for us to share our experiences, our knowledge, our influences, our progress and to encourage one another along our unique journeys.  A new Challenge will be posted on Monday morning at 7 am Eastern Time.

During the last two weeks I've been brainstorming with myself (and Elzbith) to find the right software, apps and connections between my devices so that I can finally broadcast a weekly, live conversation/demo/Q&A with everyone regardless of where I am and what I might be doing.  There will be a live stream that happens once a week on the same day every week.  I will alternate between morning and afternoon/evening so that artists in different time zones will have the opportunity to attend live at least every other week.  The live sessions will be recorded and available to everyone in the Colour Mapping community to which you all have free access when you become a member of the community (membership is free ... link to membership).

The video above is a combination of several of my earlier Sketchbook Storytime videos that I posted once a week several years ago.  The upcoming Live sessions will include a lot of demos working in my sketchbooks at home, en plein air and traveling.  I leave again for Wales at the end of February and I want to be able to broadcast live during the month I am there.

These are, for me, exciting times.  through the current struggles of gaining control the technology at my fingertips, I see light at the end of the tunnel.  One new development that is helping me to maintain my balance is learning Dirty Pot Ecoprinting from Nicola Brown.  This is an extension of my dyeing and pigment making with foraged plant materials.  I will be creating my own botanical prints on both tissue paper and fabrics to include in my multi-media work in the studio, continuing the PAC series.

I look forward to comments and suggestions for making my journey a little smoother when it comes to creating a community that you will find both inspiring and beneficial to your own creative process.

I will continue to provide free access to my Basic colour Mapping course to every artist who completes one of the Challenges in the Colour Mapping Community by Valentine's Day.  The original version of the course is currently available on Skillshare (Skillshare.com/chriscarterart).  Due to difficulty providing the free access on Skillshare, I've added the course to my own website ... and added a few more bonus lessons to it.  When you complete a challenge by Valentine's Day you will receive access to both of the courses, the one on Skillshare and the one here on my website. 

Thanks for reading my blog!



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