Wandering the Streets of London

colour mapping community travel sketching Mar 08, 2023

Wandering the Streets of London

What a joy to be back in London.  I arrived in London On February 22nd and spent three glorious days walking the streets, exploring museums and galleries I hadn't attended before, and ending the long days sketching in pubs. I was in heaven.

I began writing this blog a week ago.  As has been happening far too frequently over the past few months, technical issues prevented the video from exporting successfully so that I could post it.  Non of the "fixes" worked.  As is often the case, I had to come up with my own work-around.  Fortunately, one of the great motivational factors in my life is being presented with a problem or puzzle to solve.  Finding solutions for arranging arbitrary shapes, colors and values on a canvas is what continues to inspire me to take brush or pen in hand and to make marks of one kind or another during all my waking hours.

Progress has been made on the books that Jill and I are collaborating on.  Here is a sneak peak ... 

More on our books in the next blog post.

Thanks to everyone who is participating in the Colour Mapping Community!  

 A new course, Mastering Grayscale and Color Value - Part one, is now available on Skillshare.  Here's a link: Mastering Grayscale and Color Value - Part One.

Thanks for reading my blog.  Happy sketching!

Chris Carter




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